Career path from operator to technologist
Career path from operator to technologist

  The development of metallurgy Sungat Tursunzhanov is from Almaty, However, following the traditions, he was sent to be raised by his grandmothers. So he ended up in the East Kazakhstan region, the village of Makanchi. 

  – There is not a single metallurgist among my relatives., and they only heard this word from the mouth of the President of Kazakhstan on TV," says senior master technologist of workshop No. 14 Sungat Tursunzhanov, smiling. – Therefore, they, like me, had no particular idea what these same "metallurgists" were doing, but I was very interested in it then. 

  When Sungat grew up, He decided to return to his hometown to graduate as a metallurgist.  After training, our hero definitely decided that he wanted to connect his life with the metallurgical industry in Ust-Kamenogorsk. He had no family or friends in this city, but he took a chance and sent his RESUME to all metallurgical enterprises.  – I received an invitation to several production facilities, but my choice fell on the titanium-magnesium plant., – says Sungat. – The most interesting thing is that I was invited to workshop No. 14, which I had never even heard of, because at the university we were told that UKTMK produces only titanium sponge in workshop No. 3. 

  Our hero began his career at the Plant in 2018 as an operator of a vacuum arc furnace. He was not taught such technology at the university, and this is not surprising, because this oven is unique, it is the only one in the entire CIS. Sungat has already mastered it in production. For the first months he worked under the guidance of experienced colleagues, and then independently became a furnace operator. 

  – It's funny that when my parents found out that I was working with a stove, The first thing they asked me was if I was hot, because in their mind such work is always about high temperatures. But in workshop No. 14, everything is completely different.  At first glance, it seems that the oven works by itself and people don't have to make any special efforts, but this is absolutely not the case. In fact, the work of a vacuum arc furnace operator is difficult and requires skill., vigilance and attention. 

  After working as an operator for only a year, Sungat Tursunzhanov completed the courses, and the skills he gained allowed him to replace the master. After that, he became an SAP support specialist, and now he is already a senior master technologist.

    Our hero used to call his work area "kitchen". And this is not for nothing, because each alloy has its own formulation, but the main ingredient is a titanium sponge., produced in workshop No. 3.   "As a real cook, but only in metallurgy, I have to add all the necessary chemical elements in the right proportions to eventually meet the customer's needs," says Sungat. 

  After that, a titanium sponge with the addition of alloying components and microadditives is sent to a press to form the halves of the future product. Then, using plasma welding, a titanium cylinder is obtained from them. After welding, the cylinder, which has become a single unit, goes through the final stage of processing – it is sent to the main remelting in a vacuum arc furnace.  It is worth noting that our interlocutor's work with titan began during his university years. In his second year, Sungat had already participated in a scientific experiment. 

  "Together with a group of researchers, we studied the properties of titanium and learned how to extract it from raw materials," our hero recalls.An active lifestyle  While working as an SAP specialist, Sungat Tursunzhanov was a phys., where he was engaged in the selection of participants in the competitions of the Integrated Sports Contest. At the same time, our hero himself was happy to defend the sporting honor of his native workshop, participating in competitions in several disciplines at once – from track and field all-around to tug of war. 

  Our hero is faithful to a healthy lifestyle to this day. And now he will gladly take skis and go to conquer the mountain peaks of the region.  In addition, Sungat actively participates in the cultural life of the Plant. He was a concert presenter for four years., He conducted programs in both Kazakh and Russian languages.  – Back in school, I participated in KVN, I was the host of events on several occasions. I continued to be an activist at the university, and all because I always liked to get this special energy from people who look at you while you're on stage," Sungat shared.  Despite the fact that our hero loves to be the center of attention, he is a real family man.

  Most recently, his second son was born in his family, and therefore Sungat now devotes all his free time to the baby and helps his wife.  – If my sons ever say, If they are interested in the metallurgist's work, I will be happy to tell them how exciting and responsible it is," our interlocutor noted.   He said that his parents are very proud of him, because he was able to climb the career ladder on his own, thanks only to perseverance and continuous self-study.  – I really love what I do.

  As I said earlier, I have no one in Ust-Kamenogorsk, and therefore my colleagues have become my friends," says our hero. – I am very glad that I made the right choice and came to work for UKTMP!  Sungat's story is an example of perseverance, hard work and dedication. He has worked his way up from a young specialist to a senior master technologist, and, no doubt, there are many more achievements ahead of him.